
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a digital marketing strategy that is great for driving traffic and boosting conversion rates, particularly if you don’t have much time to try your hand at search engine optimisation (SEO). Many business leaders are unsure of the benefits of PPC, however, and are reluctant to try it out. Here are a few reasons why you should start using PPC advertising today:

1. The results are instant

As soon as your PPC advertisements go live, you will start to see an improvement in the amount of traffic your website experiences. Of course, this does not mean your business will be an overnight success as it may take a few weeks or months before the ads start working. It is, however, a great way to get your marketing strategy off the ground.

2. It is highly measurable

With PPC advertising, you can see how much money you have made out of every $1 you have spent, making it easy to calculate metrics such as return on investment (ROI). With this sort of information easily available, you can turn off keywords, ads, or campaigns that are ineffective and boost campaigns that attract customers.

3. PPC offer a good return on investment

PPC advertising tends to have a higher ROI than other marketing channels. As explained in the previous point, this is because it offers granular metrics that help you to fine-tune your strategy.

4. You only have to pay for results

PPC ad providers do not charge any deposits or upfront costs like other kinds of marketing channels. Indeed, you only have to pay when visitors click on to your website. This is known as a cost-per-click (CPC) model.

5. You can set a budget

If you’re running on a tight budget, PPC organisations offer the option to set a cap on how much money can be spent on a monthly basis. This ensures that business leaders are in full control of their spending and can alter the budget in line with performance results.

6. PPC can be precisely targeted

PPC is a highly targeted form of advertising as it works to target only those that are looking for relevant services or products. Indeed, it also allows you to apply geo-targeting options that target towns, cities, postcodes or countries.

If you would like assistance from the best digital marketing agency Canberra has to offer, get in touch with Canberra Web today. We will be more than happy to help you get started with PPC.