Landing Pages Canberra

Landing Pages Canberra

Canberra Web are Lead Generation Masters!

A Landing Page is a single web page that appears when you open the link to a search engine optimised (SEO'd) search result. Also known as a 'Lander' or 'Lead Capture Page', they are a focused and customised sales pitch that are designed for the user to take action.

So basically, landing pages convert online users into customer leads which in turn increase visits to your website. Landing pages can typically increase conversion rates by 25%!

Being laser focused on specific products or services, landing pages can greatly improve search rankings guaranteeing you the exposure you need.

Why do i need a landing page?

It is difficult to keep people from getting distracted even if you have an amazing website. Landing summarise information from your website and often only have one link which navigates them to it! This means the customer is less likely to be distracted by too much 'stuff' on the page. If there is less to look at, less to click on then users are more likely to go down the conversion path! 

Successful conversions could be contact form completions, the purchase of your products or services, membership registrations, newsletter subscriptions, software downloads and more.

Canberra Web have a multitude of solutions for optimising landing pages that include but are not limited to: captivating graphic design, product promotions, service targeted keywords, Google Ads, key optimised back links to your main website, and social media sharing to entice visitors to share with friends and family.  More eyes equals more conversions!

A landing page will enable a strong call to action which ensures that your main website gains authority. If you're not driving targetted traffic you're not doing it properly. Call us today for more info.