
The internet economy has revolutionised marketing, opening up exposure to new clients and allowing round the clock business development. Nowhere is this more important than integrating digital marketing techniques across all your digital presences.

Developing multiple exposure options

The more spaces where you have a presence, the more digital exposure you have, and the more potential for generating new business. However, that doesn't mean you should just spam social media accounts across every platform. A few well-developed and maintained profiles that are engaging and clear will work much better than ten poorly executed ones.

The importance of a holistic strategy

Having multiple platforms means you need an overall strategy; they all need to be working towards a common goal. A simple example is using Twitter. Twitter allows you to publish quick, pithy messages for rapid consumption that can capture people's attention. However, there is no point using Twitter without including links or calls to action to your other platforms that have your main means of service delivery (probably your website). Otherwise, there will be no flow on effect to more clients.

For most brands, their overall digital marketing strategy is about developing more client delivery pathways. Understanding how each platform works and how to use them effectively is the key to creating a digital presence that funnels traffic from multiple platforms towards your main hub, which contains the in-depth content that will convert traffic into business.

Website design

Regardless of how good your social media work is, nothing is more important than your website. It acts as the central hub for your brand, responsible for retaining the interest of potential new customers after they have been brought there by other platforms.

Using an expert web design company with proven experience in WordPress design is the only way to guarantee your website is beautifully presented and functional. Consumers are extremely discerning about website quality, and nothing is more off-putting than a poorly designed site. Canberra Web are a local Canberra web design company with expertise and experience in website design and digital marketing strategies to give your business the boost it needs.