
eCommerce platforms such as Squarespace, Wix, Weebly and countless others can be very tempting because on the surface they appear to offer a one-stop shop for setting up your online store. However, the limitations of such platforms are plentiful and you should consider these before signing up for their services. A one-size-fits-all solution is probably not going to cater for the specific needs of your business in the way that a custom built website can. Consider these factors and make the right choice for your brand!

No flexibility or ownership

With ready-made platforms you never really own your website. You pay an ongoing premium for the right to use the platform which comes with inherent risks. Ultimately, you are paying a lot of money and investing a lot of time into a service you are leasing. In addition, there is no flexibility to negotiate the rate or tailor the platform to your needs. When you eventually decide that the platform isn't right for you, you have nothing to take with you, and have to start all over again.

You cannot easily edit content

It is natural that you should want to be able to edit any and all of the content on your eCommerce platform. Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly all have their own platform and interfaces. While you can click through sections of the menu or page to add or change parts, not everything is editable. In addition, the editing options can be extremely difficult to navigate, not to mention it is extremely time consuming to figure out how to make the changes you want.

Transaction fees

Not only do you lease a service from these eCommerce platforms, you also have to pay THEM transaction fees for selling YOUR products unless you pay to upgrade your plan. If you build your own custom platform, more money stays within your business, and you are making an investment in your brand.

If you would like to discuss the best option for your business, or find out more about building an eCommerce platform specifically suited to your needs, get in touch with Canberra Web today!