
There are a whole range of good website builders, but here at Canberra Web we know which ones are the best.

Open Source: WordPress and Joomla

Open source platforms such as WordPress and Joomla offer our clients the best opportunity to create the exact website that they desire. Open source platform means that there are loads of great themes and plug-ins that we can apply to your website. Your website can be fully customisable so that it suits your exact requirements.

WordPress is also always concerned with maintenance and security and updates its platform several times a year, which means that you will also need to update your own WordPress website. This is great, as it means that any rogue bugs are fixed quickly and you can be confident that the latest security measures are in place. Canberra Web can also help you keep your WordPress website up-to-date.

Because of its open source platform, WordPress can be more complicated for the inexperienced website builder. In order to make full use of WordPress, a knowledge of modifying codes really comes in handy. This is where Canberra Web can really help you to get the most out of all the amazing things WordPress has to offer.

Joomla is great because it places plug-ins and extensions as its core features, which increases the performance and flexibility of your website.

Closed Source: Wix

Not all website builders use this open source platform. Wix is a closed source platform, so only their private development team can develop and produce its website building tools, giving you less choice and fewer advanced features compared with WordPress and Joomla. Similarly, if you want something that the Wix App store doesn't have (and these Apps in themselves are often problematic) then adding additional code to the site is extremely difficult. Another big problem is that there is also no way to export your data if you do want to move platforms

Open source platforms like Joomla and WordPress allow Canberra Web to meet all their clients website building needs, ensuring that everyone is happy with the outcome.